Dion Hollenbeck's Useful Brewing Information

These are a lot of documents I have written, some of which I have collected which should be very useful to brewers. Right now I am kind of HTML illiterate, so this web page is very primitive, but I felt it was more important to get the stuff online than to make it pretty. Hope this is useful to people.

I apologize that some of this material is duplicated, or that some of it is out of date and I have better info now, but I had to start someplace. I will continue to improve this as time allows.

This entire set of links points to plain text documents which may not display properly with some browsers. They can be viewed with View|Document Source (from the menu).

A good Pressure Relief Valve for fermenting in soda kegs.

A description of how to make a FOXX style Counter Pressure Filler

A very nice diagram of the above filler by Marty Tippin

A description of how to make a mash tun out of a Gott cooler

A description of how I do O2 injection for fermentation

Tips on Welding Stainless Steel

A description of the advantages/disadvantages of Ball Lock vs. Pin Lock Kegs

A description of how to make a tasty huge licorice porter

A description of how to make a bulknead fitting

CO2 Saturation table

A description of how to prepare newly obtained corny kegs

A description on how to sanitize corny kegs

A description of how to use a counterpressure filler.

A description of how to ferment in corny kegs

A description of how to drill into a chest freezer for beer faucets

A description of how to buy from W.W. Grainger

A description of how to make a beer keg into a brewing kettle

A description of RIMS heater element suitability

A description of how to select a bushing for a RIMS heater element

A description of how to select a pump for a RIMS system

More info on RIMS pumps

A recipe for Frenchman's Red Ale

A discussion of the value of an Upward Step Infusion Mash

A description of how to make a RIMS return manifold

Helpful info on sanitary welding

A description of the San Diego Brewing Scene listing local brewpubs, microbreweries and home brew supply stores.

An explanation debunking one of the common myths about RIMS brewing systems that it heats too slow to produce unfermentable wort

A description of how to make a stand for three tier gravity brewing system

Another desciption on which soda syrup canisters to buy

Description of how to motorize a Glatt Mill.

List of suppliers and some part numbers for stuff they have. This is very messy, but has useful info.

You can send me Email at hollen@woodsprite.com