The cherry hardwood floors have been finished with 3 coats
of BioShield hard oil, and 2 coats of BioShield hard wax. |
The "Taos Blue" trim in the laundry room sets off
the yellow walls and pine door. |
The living room floors are finished, the tile and woodstove
completely finished and the pine doors installed to laundry room and hallway. |
The kitchen range hood has been installed. This was made from
a sheet of copper brought back from San Diego and fabricated by a very gifted
metalsmith of aging years. |
These are window trim packages that Dion milled. Each package
contains a redwood window sill, 3 sets of matching aspen tongue and groove
casing and an aspen "mustache". The trim around the casing will
be milled from left over cherry hardwood flooring by Dion, and installed
later on. Except for one window in the bedroom, and the two office windows,
window trim completion is not necessary until after we move in. |
The east patio being finished. The guys did a 150% effort
on this, and were bruised black, blue, purple and yellow for weeks from
laying down on the ladder. |
The bathroom sink is completely installed and functioning. |
The goal of moving into our house was not to get everything
where it should go, but that it get moved from the mobile to *anywhere*
in the house, so that the mobile could be moved off site. Phyllis had previously
moved many, many baskets and boxes into the house attic, so the final move
on about November 5th, was not so grueling. This is the minor chaos in the
living room as we find places for everything. Since the living room was
so spacious, anything that came into the house tended to stop there until
sorting could occur. |
We use wire baskets for our clothes, having next to no hanging
clothes except for jackets. This is the minor chaos in the bedroom as we
populated the "basket wall" in the closet. |
The maple butcher blocks in the kitchen that serve as countertops
had to be masked before the mineral oil finish was applied. Phyllis had
lots of fun applying the mineral oil with her hands, the best applicator
that could be used. |
The other maple countertop after being sealed with mineral
oil. |
This is Phyllis's portion of the wraparound desk in the office. |
This is Dion's portion of the wraparound desk in the office |
This is taken from a different angle, and shows the window
trim detail. The trim package seen above of sill, casing and mustache have
been installed, and also, the beaded cherry window trim has been milled
and installed. Once the office desk is populated, we did not want to have
to install window trim, so it was done before we moved in. |
The top of the peninsula separating the kitchen and living
room is a 2" x 12" slab of aspen. Here it is getting 4 coats of
semi-gloss spar urethane, the same as the redwood window sills. Most of
the wood in the house is finished with a matte finish, but a few items like
window sills and the peninsula top are in semi-gloss to set them off a bit
and create a second interesting dimension in addition to the specie of wood
being different. |
This is the west walkway. We decided to surround the house
with concrete walkways in order to be able to not have gutters. This will
prevent soil erosion and mud during the rainy season. In the background,
you can see the mobile we lived in for 10 years being dismantled to go to
a Navajo family in Teec Nos Pos, Arizona. |
Here is the living room with much less chaos, as we have gotten
most everything stowed away. The natural light during the day makes this
a very cheerful room. |
Here is the kitchen actually being cooked in, right after
we moved in. Again, the daylight makes this a very bright room with no lights
needed to be on during the day. |
Here is the living room when it is tidy, looking from the
east end of the house. |
A view of the woodstove and beyond to the kitchen window. |
Here is a view of the laundry room in use. The apparatus in
the immediate right foreground is a treadmill which folds down when in use. |
This is a view of the laundry room showing the house's flywheel
hot water tank. It is heated by circulating hot water from the boiler in
the workshop, leaving all boiler noise outside the house. The shelves on
the left are the "pantry". |
This is the first snow we have had since we moved in. This
occurred Dec 7-8 and brought us 4 to 6 inches of snow containing 1.13"
of moisture. Very much appreciated. This view is looking up Gifford Knoll
and at the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation. The reservation boundry is about
700 feet up the hill from the house. |
This is a view of the house from down the driveway. We are
ecstatic about our new house. It is everything we had hoped for and more.
It feels wonderful, and is warm and friendly. Here is hoping that you all
are as happy as we are during this wonderful season. |